Monday 26 January 2009

Meeting with the Vicar!!

Went to meet with Rev Chris Hollinghurst on sunday afternoon. He was so lovely, I've met him a few times before but it was Greg's first time at the church and he was so lovely to both of us. He spent about two hours chatting about the wedding and all the options and then he asked us to describe how we feel about each other and why we feel that way.. Greg went first and I can't even remember what he said but it was lovely and then the vicar asked me and I cried. I finally managed it and the vicar said I can see how well suited you are, how much you love each other, how you smile at each other all the time and how the light shines from your relationship. He went on to say how impressed he was by the way that Greg put his arm around the back of me affectionately when we were leaning and reading some passages. It feels like we will have such a personal wedding now he has such an understanding of us. 

Tuesday 13 January 2009


The RSVPs are slowing dribbling in to my Mum and Dad's house and it's not so bad but am dreading having to chase them all up!!!! Why o why did we give them as long as 25th Feb to reply??? I must be mental!! 

Starting to look at florists now, and wedding cars, and trying to sort out Greg's suit and whatever the lads are going to wear!!! Getting excited again!!

Monday 5 January 2009

Momentus Occasion

Finally today the Wedding Invitations that I have worked on for months are in the post and hurtling their way to our potential guests as I type. 

By the time any of my guests check this blog and see this picture, the invites will have hit the mat! 

Hopefully they will agree that my photograph doesn't do them justice, which is rather big headed to say given I made them myself!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Outlaws visit

After yesterdays visit from my future mother in law, sister in law and soon to be nephew, I think we may finally have a guest list sorted!!!!! Today I need to now reassemble the invites with all the new inserts written and we're there! It will be a huge relief to have them sent and to see the replies coming back in!!! 

Saturday 3 January 2009

New Year New Panics

Been a weird day today.. panic really setting in over the whole 16 weeks to the wedding worry!  Bit freaked out to learn today that now not only is my best mate not coming to my hen night as she is preggers but now my best gay mate isn't either.. Very sad today. Not that the hen nights are organised. Spent lots of the day sitting and cutting new invite inserts and trying to get back on track! Think Greg's family are coming to lunch tomorrow so hopefully we will sort out once and for all the guest list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just feel that once this is sorted then some fun might start again! Miss the dress shopping.. want to see my dress again! Poo.. bad mood all around. Luckily I have a lovely man who came home and gave me a kiss and made me feel loved again. xxx