Thursday 18 September 2008

Tired and off to bed....

Tonight we've moved furniture and unpacked boxes in our new house... and finally got the second bedroom to look like a bedroom...

This is all in honour of Rach, who is coming to stay tomorrow night and will be our first guest in our beautiful old house! And the very special reason for her stay is that we are off dress shopping to Big Beautiful Brides in Weston Super Mare on Friday!!! Mum and Nan are coming too and I am going armed with all sorts of bits to try and match away!

So excited but oh so tired too!! Off to Lingfield in Surrey tomorrow morning early so definitely need my beauty sleep!

Night y'all! xxx

1 comment:

Emma said...

Thank you Kel for your lovely message....I'm a very happy girlie today!
I hope the dress hunting goes well and you find 'the one'!
Emma VM x