Monday 27 October 2008

Catering Capers

On thursday evening we went to meet with our caterer Aidan Tierney of Tierneys Caterers, to have a tasting! Our party consisted of us, and mum and dad, and we really werent sure what to expect!

We drove to Oaks Farm in Shirley near croydon, along with about 30+ other couples/parties, all hungry! We found a beautiful room laid with ten different tables, with different ideas for decoration,theme, plates, glassware, different napkins folded, all set to give us ideas. We had canapes and were then seated at our tables, 10 to a table, and were seved a delicious main course of lamb, with roasted mini herb potatoes, with some other variety of potatoes, and a range of veg. This was then followed by an even more delicious plate of three mini desserts, and all accompanied by plenty of wine.

It really was a lovely evening and gave us great opportunities to meet other couples also getting married. For Greg this meant he could chat to grooms and realise that I am not the only nutty bride out there! and to hear how other people are doing their thing! I think Greg had a new found appreciation for my organisation after this!!

Great night! Next step making our choices!!!

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